This is a new page for Cheryl Ross and her livestock.

A pair of last years calves in the pasture.

Two nice brockle faced heifers.

Our livestock gaurdian dog "Dot" visiting with one of her favorite calves.  She is a short haired
Pyranees and Anatolian mix.  We have a lot of coyotes, and does a good job keeping them away.

Young SusieQ in the flower garden.

Twin 6 hour old kids looking strong.

We like to raise our girls big.

Looks like two more bottle babies to take care of.

We will be taking some more high quality pictures of our livestock.  Coming Soon...

Cheryl Ross (owner and webmaster)

Livestock Links
Livestock Network Livestock Sales Info.
Cattleman;s Livestock Market Northern California's Auction Market
SF Bay Area Craigslist
Varmint Al's Hunting Page Check it out if you have a coyote problem